
We have just spent an insightfull and tiring two days at Pure London. Arguably this is one of the more important fashion trade shows in the UK.

Whilst the offer is mainly concentrated on clothing, accessories play a big part too.
Shoes were in particular what we came to see.

Now, female obsession with shoes is well documented. We not only need shoes, we want and desire them to the point of craving and addiction. Shoes can make or break an outfit, but at the same time the sizing is forgiving as you don’t need to diet to fit into shoes.
So women can spend a great deal of money on a fabulous pair.

We are glad to report that fabulousness was exactly what we found at Pure. Ranging from maddening colour combinations and delectable vintage detailing through to statement heels and gorgeous leathers we have selected the best styles for you.

Starting from now, these beauties will find their way to your heart through our website and Southbank boutique. We apologize in advance for any damage caused to your bank balances 🙂

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