Beige is good!!

Goodness knows why people are scared of beige!

It is such a wonderfully classic, summery colour that goes with anything and everything. It would be very hard to find another neutral so versatile.

But as it stands, the North Europeans and particularly us Brits have decided that it washes us out… Today we will attempt to dispel this silly myth.

First of all – beige is fresh. Especially teamed with white it will make your complexion glow.

Secondly, beige is a brilliant vehicle for all your brights and florals. Wear it with bright jewellery, printed scarves or pick one part of your outfit in beige and rest in brights or vice versa. The results will amaze you.

Lastly, treat beige as white and you will have no trouble finding ways to wear it more. Enjoy and never be scared!


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Summer Fashion is here (but not the weather)

Peony Jacket

So the weather is tricking us again.

Just when we thought it was sandals and skirts time the April showers arrived in force, complete with freezing temperatures. The stores have floral prints and pastel colours galore, but all the shoppers want are cosy cardis and perhaps wellies.

Aah, well – at least it cheers the eye to look at the glorious colours dispalyed in the shop windows. We for our part have plenty of colourful items from clutch bags to print dresses. Oh, and don’t you forget those sandals! You will need them later.

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We have just spent an insightfull and tiring two days at Pure London. Arguably this is one of the more important fashion trade shows in the UK.

Whilst the offer is mainly concentrated on clothing, accessories play a big part too.
Shoes were in particular what we came to see.

Now, female obsession with shoes is well documented. We not only need shoes, we want and desire them to the point of craving and addiction. Shoes can make or break an outfit, but at the same time the sizing is forgiving as you don’t need to diet to fit into shoes.
So women can spend a great deal of money on a fabulous pair.

We are glad to report that fabulousness was exactly what we found at Pure. Ranging from maddening colour combinations and delectable vintage detailing through to statement heels and gorgeous leathers we have selected the best styles for you.

Starting from now, these beauties will find their way to your heart through our website and Southbank boutique. We apologize in advance for any damage caused to your bank balances 🙂

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Celebrity world

It is a strange feeling to have a celebrity coming into your shop.

Sometimes they are not all that famous, and you are in this awkward situation trying to figure out where you know them from… Are they a customer that came by another time? A person you bump into on your travel to work? Somebody you met at a party and should really remember their name? As I say, awkward…

And other times, you do recognise them and it is hard not to say something silly about their work. After all they came to shop, not to discuss their life achievements. Oh well.

Recently we had a bit of a dry spell on celebrity sightings. After Myleene had been drinking coffee and admiring our Georgia Dress there has been no particularly inspiring visits.

That said, Kris Marshall (of BT adverts fame) had been filmed for a new movie (Sparks and Embers – we are told) before Christmas in Gabriel’s Wharf. But it was after work hours and we didn’t see him… So maybe there will be a bit of a famous moment for our boutique?!

And then last week, Natalie Cassidy came in looking for CBB final show outfit. Sadly, she couldn’t find anything suitable. But, judging by what she wore in the end, she should have persevered and picked a lovely Lagom outfit. Perhaps next time she will…


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Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone!

2011 has been a tough year for many reasons, so we are looking forward to enjoy 2012.

New hopes, new ideas and plans will make this year very exciting. Cheers to that!

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Behind the scenes (August 2011)

This gallery contains 12 photos.

In case you wondered why the weather changed last Thursday we can tell you. We had a photo shoot! We had to abandon our picnic idea and instead went for a retro-marionette-meets-colour-pop look. Here are some background shots. The real … Continue reading

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The season of Pure London

So the season of Pure London – one of the busiest fashion treadeshows in UK – has finished last Tuesday. What’s the verdict? A mixed bag, really. Whilst some collections for Spring Summer next year appeared to have taken on a fresh new direction, some brands are still playing it safe. Retro influences were popular as was the use of floaty fabrics. I know, thinking about next summer is kinda hard when we are still waiting for the current one to make an appearance, but fashion never stops!

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Independent’s Day

It is Independent’s Day today. A chance to support your local independent shops. Take your latte from a non-chain coffee shop, buy your clothes in a local boutique, support an independent book seller. The choice is yours. Show your support. Make the UK High Street a unique place to shop again!

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Join us on Facebook for a chance to win a £100 voucher to spend instore or online! The first 100 people to like us will be entered into the draw. Good luck!

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Behind the scenes…

We would like to thank our team for producing such stunning work.

  • Clothing: LAGOM
  • Photography: Lucie Goodayle
  • Make-up and Hair: Kathryn Robbins
  • Styling: Harriet Cornwall
  • Models: Kamila Nowak, Deirdre Coughlan
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