Celebrity world

It is a strange feeling to have a celebrity coming into your shop.

Sometimes they are not all that famous, and you are in this awkward situation trying to figure out where you know them from… Are they a customer that came by another time? A person you bump into on your travel to work? Somebody you met at a party and should really remember their name? As I say, awkward…

And other times, you do recognise them and it is hard not to say something silly about their work. After all they came to shop, not to discuss their life achievements. Oh well.

Recently we had a bit of a dry spell on celebrity sightings. After Myleene had been drinking coffee and admiring our Georgia Dress there has been no particularly inspiring visits.

That said, Kris Marshall (of BT adverts fame) had been filmed for a new movie (Sparks and Embers – we are told) before Christmas in Gabriel’s Wharf. But it was after work hours and we didn’t see him… So maybe there will be a bit of a famous moment for our boutique?!

And then last week, Natalie Cassidy came in looking for CBB final show outfit. Sadly, she couldn’t find anything suitable. But, judging by what she wore in the end, she should have persevered and picked a lovely Lagom outfit. Perhaps next time she will…


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